
Registration of purebred Fjord horses

Registration of purebred Fjord horses ensures the preservation of the breed's genetic integrity and bloodlines.

Maintenance of a stud book for recording lineage and breeding information

The maintenance of a stud book is essential for accurately recording lineage and breeding information in order to preserve the integrity of a breed and ensure the quality of future generations.

Organization and promotion of Fjord horse shows and events

The organization and promotion of Fjord horse shows and events aims to showcase the breed's unique characteristics and abilities while bringing together enthusiasts and breeders from around the world.

Education and resources for Fjord horse owners and enthusiasts

Education and resources tailored specifically for Fjord horse owners and enthusiasts can greatly improve their understanding and care of this unique breed.

Networking and support for Fjord horse breeders

Networking and support for Fjord horse breeders can help foster a strong community and promote the growth and success of the breed.

Collaboration with Fjord Horse International

Collaborating with Fjord Horse International will provide valuable insights and resources to enhance our understanding and promotion of this unique and versatile breed.

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